Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Monica's Musing....

where do fruit flies come from??? Don't tell me fruit! I know that...but like magic, millions appear overnight! I love fruit in the summer, my kids love fruit in the summer. We do not like to share with fruit flies! So here is my tip for you: set out a small container with applecider vinegar and a few drops (little) of dishwashing soap. In the morning you will have your very own fly cemetery. Works like magic. I just keep a little dish on my counter all summer long. Hope it works for you! Do you have any tricks to get through the summer?


  1. Oh, look at that... you have another follower! I am so proud of you!

  2. Hey, Monica! I just dumped out our fruit fly cemetry last night. Your blog looks great. I love the photos from MN!
