Thursday, October 22, 2009

Let the light get in...

I was waiting in the lobby of the doctor's office yesterday and picked up an article about Elizabeth Edwards. It talked about her on going battle with breast cancer, infidelity, losing a child, etc.* In the article was a passage she has painted on her wall. The words are from the song "Anthem" by Leonard Cohen. ( View whole song here) It says "Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in." Sometimes we forget to look at all of the blessings we have in our lives. The last several weeks have brought news full of sadness for friends and family. It has been so easy to say, "Why them?" Their lives are falling apart right before their eyes...but through the crack, the light that shines is the friends who rally around to give strength. The chance to say " I love you" knowing the end is near. Remembering the fun, laughter and good times. The new teachable moments that are REAL life. So today I challenge you to look for the light, it is everywhere. And be thankful! *HealthMonitor , Vol.7 October/November 2009

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